Legend writing by InaM

And old kind of hero in a modern time Legend

Once upon a time, not too far in the future, one happy family lived in a beautiful city somewhere in Canada. Everything went well for this family. The fathers was a still young and intelligent computer specialist and the mother was a brave nurse in a big hospital. Their son, Jan, was a very hard working student, very eager to learn as much as possible.

But one day, all their hopes and dreams crushed all of a sudden. Jan was found with a very serious illness. There was hope, but the cure was very expensive. The family was not rich and sadly, the insurance did not cover this specific cure. So the father, with his computer skills, decided to obtain the cure by using the model of Robin Hood when taking from the riches and giving to the poor. He put his mind to modifying the information of the insurance companies to include the expensive cure to be covered. He tried so hard without any success, and he was desperate and ready to do anything to save Jan. 

When he almost gave up his hopes, he met at his office a new company collaborator, Janet. They become friends and Janet, who has many skills and no friends at all, decides to help Jan’s father. Jan dad found out that Janet was the inventor of the cure his son needed, as she used to work for a big pharma company.

Although Janet had no friends and she was often mocked for being a nerd, she was a honey heart and wishfully to help any people. Long time ago, she realized that she can transform what seems to be a defect into a major strength, like Rapunzel in her legend, Janet used her strength to help Jan father, a Robin Hood of modern days, come to the rescue of the week.

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